bannière skepti

Open Peer Review
Post-Publication Peer Review

2022 – Session 1

March, 31 – Guest Speaker : Raphaël Levy, Professor of Physics, University Paris Sorbonne Nord, France and Funding:”NanoBubbles

Talk: “A personal trajectory: from epistemic activism to research on the mechanisms of correction of science

Raphaël Lévy obtained his PhD in physics in Strasbourg in 2002 on the characterization of polymers on surfaces with the atomic force microscope. He moved to the University of Liverpool(UK) as a postdoctoral researcher. In 2006, he was awarded a BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship to develop applications of nanoparticles for imaging inside cells. He then became Lecturer(2011) and Senior Lecturer(2013). In 2020, he was recruited as Professor at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. He is a member of the INSERM U1148 laboratory(Laboratory for Vascular Translational Research). During his career as a scientist in the field of bionanoscience, he has challenged a number of problematic publications and experienced the difficulty of correcting the scientific record. This led him to write, with colleagues from various disciplines from computer science to sociology, science and technology studies, philosophy and history, the NanoBubbles ERC Synergy project which started in June 2021.